
Who Should Read this Book?]
Outstanding Features]
The Web Site]
Coverage Overview]
To Instructors]


xxxPrior to the summer of 1998, the Academic Innovations Group at Lake Forest College called for proposals for new and innovative courses. My proposal called for a "from the ground up" introduction to programming using the Internet. Perhaps the most significant of the proposed features was that the course was to be accessible to a general audience, including students majoring in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. While general audience computer science courses exist, they are primarily geared toward computer literacy, rather than toward fostering any significant programming skills.The proposal being accepted, I set out to find a suitable text from which to base the course. On the lower end, I found "Internet literacy" texts. These texts spend whole chapters on topics such as e-mail, news groups, and searching the Internet. But these are the skills that more and more students emerging from high school already possess. On the upper end, programming texts in languages like C++ and Java abound, but these are geared toward computer science majors. Indeed, such courses often turn unsuspecting general audience students off from computer science, rather than providing a gateway. In reality, students often find such courses more difficult than calculus.
xxx Fitting into the middle, and suited perfectly toward the general audience, is HTML and JavaScript. All the publications I found relating to these topics were reference-type books, not constructed in such a manner to support a college course. So, during the summer of 1998, I wrote a 250-page manuscript from which to base the new course. While teaching from the manuscript during both semesters of the '98&endash;'99 academic year, I developed a final vision for the book based upon what worked and what didn't. Student input was instrumental in formulating the final plan.Upon the strength of the course-tested proposal, I secured a contract with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in the summer of 1999. The text you now see was written during the '99&endash;'00 academic year, again while refining it in the classroom setting both semesters. Thus, this book is the culmination of two full years of classroom testing. The course has gained significant popularity on campus among both the general audience and the science majors. In fact, large waiting lists have resulted in additional sections being opened. Popularity has even grown beyond the student base, with other professors and secretaries taking the course. I have even received comments from my students' parents who like the book, and have found its contents valuable.

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Who Should Read this Book?

xxx The answer is simple. Anyone who wishes to arm themselves for the 21st century with substantive Internet programming skills. In short, this book covers the "nuts and bolts" of programming on the Internet. To skillfully publish information on the Internet, one must gain a proficiency with HTML and web page construction. To process information one must learn programming fundamentals. This book provides the fundamentals that one must learn in order to pursue virtually any other programming endeavor on the Internet. It is important to learn the fundamentals now so that one has the tools necessary to learn newer, emerging technologies as they become more commonplace. Simply put, this book contains those core fundamentals.The book assumes no prior knowledge of HTML or a programming language.
xxx The prerequisite skills can be summed up succinctly. As far as the computer goes, the reader should be familiar with word processing, creating, and organizing documents. On the Internet side, the reader should be familiar with surfing the Internet with a browser.That gives considerable latitude. Advanced high school students would be equipping themselves well by arming themselves with the skills presented in this book. Anyone in a general collegiate audience would be remiss if he or she were to graduate without possessing these skills. Anyone in the professional setting wishing to be better equipped for the Internet revolution will find the skills fostered in this book indispensable. In short, if you know how to use a computer, and wish to develop your skills further in the Internet environment, you should read this book. The reader who has some knowledge of programming will certainly find the HTML skills useful. Moreover, the reader with some knowledge of a compiled language like C++ will find the portable, interpreted JavaScript language a refreshing change, especially given the natural graphic user interface that HTML forms provide for user input. The only audience to which we would not recommend this book, is that of the professional programmer. Indeed, the highly skilled programmer may be better suited reading a professional reference book on HTML, and one on JavaScript.

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Outstanding Features

The book is designed to be platform independent. This means that the reader can use virtually any type of personal computer. All that is required is a basic text editor, which any computer provides, and a relatively current web browser, which can be downloaded for free. Thus, it is not required that the reader purchase any software. The HTML and JavaScript coverage sticks to a subset of the languages which will work on any version 3 or higher of the Netscape or Internet Explorer browsers. Moreover, other emerging browser types also support this common subset of HTML and JavaScript, and on virtually any computer type.
The book introduces programming with objects. The Document Object Model and HTML form objects provide a perfect setting for using objects. So, not only does this book foster a proficiency for using conventional programming structures (variables, decisions, functions, arrays, and loops), but also provides a gentle introduction to objects. The book is, thus, a perfect introduction for anyone wishing to learn an object oriented programming language such as Java.
The book covers the basics of web server accounts and transferring documents web servers. It also covers strategies for maintaining and updating a web site on the server. However, if a web server account is not available to the reader, those topics can be omitted with no difficulties whatsoever.
Each of the 18 lessons features a summary, review questions, and exercises. The exercises feature both stand alone exercises, and two project threads that run throughout the book. The project threads guide the reader through the construction of a structured web site&emdash;a site that eventually evidences all of those skills acquired through reading this book. The first project thread, which features development of a personal web site, is also ideal for someone who wishes to read this book, but is not formally enrolled in a course.
The book contains several optional sections that may be used to provide an extra challenge for the more advanced reader. Often, a general audience contains a variety of backgrounds. The optional material provides extra latitude for confronting that challenge.
The book is fully supported by a web site.

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The Web Site

The web site contains all of the examples and figures of the book for use in classroom demonstration. Moreover, the interactive nature of many of the examples warrants such on-line access so that a true feel for the examples can be realized. The web site also features reference to many on-line materials, such as freeware and shareware applications, that can be used as valuable tools while developing the material of this book.
Some of the exercises are inextricably bound to the web site. For example, the reader may be asked to incorporate downloadable materials from the web site into the pages they construct, or may be asked to approximately duplicate a page pictured on the site. For another example, some exercises in Lesson 18, require the reader to submit HTML form data to a CGI program on the web site. The web site also provides a perfect place to provide newly designed and updated exercises, making the text a continually evolving instructional resource.
The book contains reference appendices for both of HTML elements, and JavaScript objects. These are valuable in a reference capacity after the course is completed. Moreover, HTML and JavaScript are constantly evolving. So, as new features become uniformly supported on all web browsers, the web site will be updated with supplements to the reference appendices. In this way, the text will remain current in a reference capacity.
The solutions to the exercises are available to instructors via a password protected web site.

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Coverage Overview

Lesson 1 gives a brief history of the internet, and covers the fundamentals about how the internet and world wide web work. The internet is explained in terms of IP addresses, servers, routers, and packets. The world wide web is explained in terms of the URL, web protocols, and domain names. In the process, a basic foundation of internet vocabulary is developed.

Lesson 2 begins to explore the various types of transactions on the internet. This includes transferring web pages to browsers for viewing (http), transferring web pages to web servers so that they are available on the internet (ftp), and talking to web servers to set passwords(telnet). Lesson 2 also explores the nature of web server accounts and public directories. This lesson may be omitted if web server accounts are not available.

xxx Lessons 3 through 8 provide a conceptual introduction to HTML and web page construction. The coverage of HTML is not exhaustive, but sticks to a subset of HTML that works in virtually any browser. Moreover, topics such as audio and video are omitted in favor of the fundamental concepts. These core concepts are the syntax of tags and attributes, linking and site structure, various uses of images, and page formatting with tables and frames. Mastery of these concepts provides a perfect graphical user interface for the last ten lessons of the book in which JavaScript programming is used to support HTML forms and web pages. While Lesson 7 mentions the virtues of HTML editors, use of an editor remains optional throughout the remainder of the book. But when an editor is adopted, the core concepts presented in Lessons 3 through 8 are precisely those needed to skillfully use it.
Lesson 3 explores construction of web pages using basic HTML tags. The basic syntax of HTML is introduced.
Lesson 4 explores use of attributes in HTML tags to more precisely control HTML markup instructions. In the process, pixels, hexadecimal colors, and fonts are discussed. (Appendix C provides full detail on hexadecimal color representations.) Lesson 4 also includes an optional section which introduces style sheets.
Lesson 5 explores hypertext links in web pages. Hierarchal and linear linking strategies for web collections are explored. With potentially larger collections of documents to deal with, Lesson 5 also introduces strategies updating a web site on a web server. Named anchors are also covered in detail.
Lesson 6 explores the nature of images, and their inclusion in web pages. In the process, different types of images are explored as well as different ways images can provide extra functionality in a web page. Lesson 6 concludes with an optional section which covers image maps.
Lesson 7 first covers lists, and then turns to the more important notion of HTML tables. In particular, tables are used to provide entire layout structures for web pages.
Lesson 8 covers HTML frames as an alternative page layout mechanism. Here the differing functionalities of tables and frames are compared and contrasted.
xxx The remainder of the book is dedicated to JavaScript. Again, to insure full browser support, the book adheres to a standardized subset of JavaScript (and JScript). The goal is a marriage of programming theory and application. Indeed, the need for variables, decisions, functions, objects, loops, and arrays is motivated in a natural way using the graphical user interface that web pages and HTML forms provide. Throughout Lessons 9-18, the virtues of knowing HTML fundamentals are overtly manifested. Moreover, with the introduction to syntax and coding provided in Lessons 3-8 by HTML already in place, the transition to the rigors of actual programming is not overly arduous.
Lesson 9 provides an overview of HTML forms, and their roll in obtaining input from the user. Moreover, Lesson 9 explores the nature of JavaScript and its roll in processing form data in the client-server model. This lesson also points out that JavaScript is not Java.
Lesson 10 formally introduces JavaScript and the use of variables to store user input. The complex HTML form object structure is not yet introduced, in favor of using the prompt box to obtain user input. The nature of writing programs and the types of potential programming errors are explored.
Lesson 11 explores the ability of Javascript to make decisions based on user input, again obtained with prompt boxes. The decision making capabilities are employed both to process information based on user input, and to alert the user if improper information is supplied.
Lesson 12 introduces the nature and syntax of using objects in programming. This discussion has proven both valuable and necessary in the transition to using HTML forms to obtain user input. Several hands-on objects are introduced with the Document Object Model.
Lesson 13 turns to the use of HTML forms for obtaining user input. This lesson introduces the HTML input elements used for obtaining textual input, and using HTML form buttons for calling JavaScript functions to process the input. In the process, the concept of local vs. global variables is introduced. The theme of verifying that the user has entered proper input is further emphasized.
Lesson 14 augments the input capabilities of HTML forms by exploring checkboxes, radio buttons, and pull-down menu's. These option-creating form elements further emphasize the decision making capabilities of JavaScript. Moreover, Lesson 14 introduces the necessity for using arrays.
Lesson 15 explores repetition in programming using loops. The utility of looping is emphasized by the need to process larger HTML forms, but without undue redundant code. Looping over arrays of HTML form elements further explores using arrays--arrays of objects.
Lesson 16 covers the manual creation of arrays, and their utility. The arrays used prior to this lesson are created automatically when a browser loads and HTML form. One of the main applications of self-defined arrays presented in Lesson 16 involves pre-loading images from the server. The pre-loaded arrays of images are used for purposes such as cycling image displays in web pages.
Lesson 17 explores creating self-defined functions that use parameters. The reader will have been creating self-defined functions since Lesson 13, but ones without formal parameters. Applications of the detailed discussion on functions include creating image rollovers in web pages, and creating functions to aid in verification of the validity of user input into HTML forms. To augment form verification, the string object is also introduced.
Lesson 18, the final Lesson of the book, introduces the security capabilities of JavaScript and the password form element. JavaScript's security weaknesses are discussed, together with the associated necessity for submitting HTML form data to the server. The submit button is explored, and hidden form elements are employed to facilitate the submission of "cleaned up" form data to the server. No server-side programming is introduced. Rather, the existence of server-side programs is assumed, and the nature of the client-server model (as introduced in Lesson 9) is further explored. Several examples and exercises actually feature the submission of form data to server-side Perl programs on the web site for this book.

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For the Instructor: Dependency and Organization

xxx The following diagram indicates how the Lessons depend upon previous ones in terms of necessity of coverage.

xxx The book has been designed for flexibility of coverage. A course for the most general of audiences requires significant time and detail in Lessons 1 through 8, perhaps half a semester. Such general audiences are not only learning HTML, but bolstering their general computer skills. The goal is then to cover Lessons 9 through 14, and Lesson 18 if time permits. This provides a gentle introduction to programming and using objects. The end product is a feel for programming and an understanding of the nature and capabilities of HTML forms.
xxx If it is desirable to cover programming in more detail, the HTML lessons can be covered more quickly, perhaps in a third of a semester. This level of coverage is appropriate for a more advanced audience or one with some prior knowledge of constructing web pages. At any point after Lesson 14, Lesson 18 can be covered as a fitting capstone for the course. In this way, as many (or all) of the desired programming concepts can be covered. The end product is a proficiency with programming fundamentals and a comprehensive grasp of the capabilities of JavaScript as used to support web pages and HTML forms.
xxx Upon a cursory inspection, it might appear that the book jumps around a bit in terms of covering programming fundamentals. The first draft of this book did, in fact, feature a more detailed coverage of structures such as loops and arrays, before objects and HTML forms were introduced. Several reviewers commented that this approach failed to let the true flavor of JavaScript come through until very late in the text. The JavaScript presentation was analogous to that of a Pascal text, for example. With the added burden of early presentation of more programming structures, it was difficult to do justice to HTML forms in the allocated time of one semester. Indeed, that approach didn't work as well with the most general audience. The students left with a feel for programming, but little feel for objects, HTML forms, and the practical capabilities of JavaScript.
xxx The organization of the current text, as seen above, has proven highly successful. Not only does the approach offer significantly more latitude in terms of structuring courses for varying audiences, but it ensures coverage of HTML forms and the flavor of JavaScript. A surprising by-product of this organization is that the concepts of functions, local variables, and arrays are covered in Lessons 10 through 14, but in a non-rigorous way. For example, it is necessary to handle user events by calling self-defined JavaScript functions, and to access HTML form elements using the elements[ ] array, which is created automatically by the browser. Lessons 15 through 17 then add rigor to these concepts in a natural way, and with practical applications. Finally, regardless of the extent of coverage, Lesson 18 provides a natural closure for the course.

Craig D. Knuckles
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