Below are the numeric codes which produce characters in HTML markup. From 127 and below, they agree with the corresponding ASCII numbers (base 10) for the most part. From 128 and above, they are different from the extended ASCII (or Unicode) numbers.

Some characters can be produced using special "named" codes. For example, a blank space can be produced by   (or by the numeric code  ).

Symbol HTML Code Symbol HTML Code
blank space
  unused 
! ! unused 
" " ‘
# # ’
$ $ “
% % ”
& & •
' ' –
( ( —
) ) ˜ ˜
* * ™
+ + š š
, , ›
- - œ œ
. . unused 
/ / unused ž
0 0 Ÿ Ÿ
1 1    
2 2 ¡ ¡
3 3 ¢ ¢
4 4 £ £
5 5 ¤ ¤
6 6 ¥ ¥
7 7 ¦ ¦
8 8 § §
9 9 ¨ ¨
: : © ©
; &#59; ª ª
< &#60; « &#171;
= &#61; ¬ &#172;
> &#62; ­ &#173;
? &#63; ® &#174;
@ &#64; ¯ &#175;
A &#65; ° &#176;
B &#66; ± &#177;
C &#67; ² &#178;
D &#68; ³ &#179;
E &#69; ´ &#180;
F &#70; µ &#181;
G &#71; &#182;
H &#72; · &#183;
I &#73; ¸ &#184;
J &#74; ¹ &#185;
K &#75; º &#186;
L &#76; » &#187;
M &#77; ¼ &#188;
N &#78; ½ &#189;
O &#79; ¾ &#190;
P &#80; ¿ &#191;
Q &#81; À &#192;
R &#82; Á &#193;
S &#83; Â &#194;
T &#84; Ã &#195;
U &#85; Ä &#196;
V &#86; Å &#197;
W &#87; Æ &#198;
X &#88; Ç &#199;
Y &#89; È &#200;
Z &#90; É &#201;
[ &#91; Ê &#202;
\ &#92; Ë &#203;
] &#93; Ì &#204;
^ &#94; Í &#205;
_ &#95; Î &#206;
` &#96; Ï &#207;
a &#97; Ð &#208;
b &#98; Ñ &#209;
c &#99; Ò &#210;
d &#100; Ó &#211;
e &#101; Ô &#212;
f &#102; Õ &#213;
g &#103; Ö &#214;
h &#104; × &#215;
i &#105; Ø &#216;
j &#106; Ù &#217;
k &#107; Ú &#218;
l &#108; Û &#219;
m &#109; Ü &#220;
n &#110; Ý &#221;
o &#111; Þ &#222;
p &#112; ß &#223;
q &#113; à &#224;
r &#114; á &#225;
s &#115; â &#226;
t &#116; ã &#227;
u &#117; ä &#228;
v &#118; å &#229;
w &#119; æ &#230;
x &#120; ç &#231;
y &#121; è &#232;
z &#122; é &#233;
{ &#123; ê &#234;
| &#124; ë &#235;
} &#125; ì &#236;
~ &#126; í &#237;
 &#127; î &#238;
unused &#128; ï &#239;
unused &#129; ð &#240;
&#130; ñ &#241;
ƒ &#131; ò &#242;
&#132; ó &#243;
&#133; ô &#244;
&#134; õ &#245;
&#135; ö &#246;
ˆ &#136; ÷ &#247;
&#137; ø &#248;
Š &#138; ù &#249;
&#139; ú &#250;
Œ &#140; û &#251;
unused &#141; ü &#252;
unused &#142; ý &#253;
unused &#143; þ &#254;