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Chapter 6 Resources
  for Web Applications: Concepts and Real World Design
Chapter 6 Downloads
All of the Source files for the examples in Chapter 6 as a zipped archive.

PowerPoint overview for Chapter 6. Go here if you need to know more about downloading PowerPoint files.

The downloads page contains links you can use to download the files for all the chapters in the book in one zipped archive.
Extra Resources for Chapter 6
Look here when Chapter 6 of the book mentions something extra to be found on the web site.

Environment Variables:
Here is the program which prints out a table showing the entire %ENV hash (from the Apache server).

Decoding Routine:
Here is the final decoding routine as shown in Section 6.10 of the book. Use this as a template for new programs which need to URL-decode incoming data. Note that this file is also supplied for download with the source code archives.

Manual Query String:
The links below send data to the randomlinks.cgi program manually by attaching it as query strings to the URLs in the links as shown in Figure 6.6.
Send the empty string as data.
Send the integer 1000 as data.
Send the integer 4 as data.